Archive for category Politics

Nottingham Tram Extension Gets the Go-ahead.

We had a leaflet from the local MP (Nick Palmer) through the door the other day which announced that what I reported last time – i.e. that the tram was going to go ahead had come to pass. Unfortunately I think the leaflet has been recycled so I can’t quote it directly, but basically it said that the Tories had effectlively gone back on their election promise and are allowing the tram extension to go through.

There’s no news on the stops or route, though from what Nick Palmer wrote it looks like it’s going to be the one that goes past the end of our road which is the best possible route – otherwise the tram company wouldn’t have chosen it.

Anyway, you can find out more at the NET Phase 2 web site and if I get anything more through the door I may post it here.

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